Synergy Group On-line Help

To Browse the Synergy Group CD ROM

There are three ways to move around or select pages to be displayed:

  1. Click one of the main category buttons at the top of the screen
  2. Click on text that is highlighted in blue and underlined
  3. Click on images (select them). Your arrow pointer will change to a small hand over the images that will take you to new page. Just click on the images to select them to go to a new page.

To View an Included Video

If a video is included with any page that is displayed, the tooltip tag on the Video Button at the top of the page will display "Video". If no video is included with the page you are viewing the tooltip tag will display "No Video".

When the Video Button displays "Video", a video file has been included for the page you are viewing. To play the video, click on the Video Button. When you are finished viewing the video, close the video window by clicking the "x" in the top right hand corner of the video box.

To Exit the Synergy Group CD ROM

To Exit the Synergy Group CD ROM, click on the Exit Button (door) located at the top of the screen.

Display Settings in Windows

The Synergy Group CD ROM is best viewed with monitor settings of at least 256 colors and with small fonts. To change your monitor settings, use the Control Panel in Windows.

For Information About Synergy Group "Growth Strategies for Business"

Synergy Group provides "Growth Strategies for Business". Promotional CD ROMs are only one of the services that we provide. We also provide: Corporate Positioning, Sales Efficiencies, Internet Solutions, Direct Marketing, CD ROM Products, Sports Marketing, Trade Shows and Lead Generation Programs. For more in depth information on us and our services, feel free to contact us at:

Synergy Group
5819 Creek Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
FAX 513-792-4272